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Moore's Law

the death of the creator of the best-known law computer science

Falkland Islands

Chip - Gordon Moore

blue illustration of a pc chip

This article was in anticipation with the coincidence of not knowing that Gordon Moore died a few days ago.

Gordon Moore, co-founder of the microprocessor company Intel , best known for having developed "Moore's law", according to which the computing power of processors doubles every two years for the same size, has died at the age of 94. A rule developed in the 1960s that remained valid for decades: even if it hasn't been followed for a few years, it still remains the best-known rule of information technology, often known even by those who are unfamiliar with computers and processors.

In 1965 Gordon Moore hypothesized that the number of transistors in microprocessors would double approximately every 12 months. In 1975 this prediction proved correct and before the end of the decade the timescale was extended to two years, a period which will remain valid throughout the 1980s. The law, which will be extended throughout the 1990s and will remain valid to this day, is reformulated at the end of the 1980s and elaborated in its definitive form, namely that the number of transistors in processors doubles every 18 months.

The impressive thing is that Moore's law while not a real mathematical or physical rule, was very accurate, more than expected at the beginning. In fact, Moore's law has been respected for many decades because evidently Moore's acuity had made him understand how much a company should have increased the computing power of a chip. From another point of view, one could say that it was Intel itself that adapted to this rule and in turn the other competitive companies; Today Intel remains the leading microchip manufacturer and obviously conditions the whole market and technological evolution.

In 2016 Moore's law began to be considered invalid, because the pace of miniaturization had slowed