P O R T F O L I O - > _ works

Gabriele Romano

☆ small showcase: some of my works ...

work0 - portfolio Gabriele Romano

work1 - portfolio Gabriele Romano    work2 - portfolio Gabriele Romano

work3 - portfolio Gabriele Romano    work4 - portfolio Gabriele Romano    work5 - portfolio Gabriele Romano

the following showcase is the portfolio of only some of my illustrations and not of my other works such as music, writings or other... the destination and purpose of these works is not described but in general they are for illustrative use for other multimedia works ...

" Architecture begins where engineering ends. "
by Walter Gropius

my portfolio

drawings are a bit like people's handwriting: everyone has their own way of writing that may be similar to someone and never the same as anyone else.. With digital graphics some may doubt the originality of their drawings but in reality the artistic hand that knows how to instil the stamp of originality will always know how to stand out to instill their own idea and art...

a surveyor can be equated to a draftsman if their ideas are transmitted with the same effectiveness and originality

Gabriele Romano

The entire website was created by Gabriele Romano


micro logo Gabriele Romano